Tuesday, October 11, 2011

もう、一ヶ月....well actually less....

It's already OCTOBER?!?! Whaaa?!?!

That means one thing....お浚いかい (recital)! Recital is in one month...actually 3 weeks! This year our recital will be held on November 5, 2011 at the Okinawan Culture Center (沖縄会館) at 2:30 PM.

So much going into this recital...and it's only my second one. I think this year there are 5 dances for me, #1 and Nadine (大変). But what can you do...if your 先生 (teacher) tells you that you have to dance 5 numbers, you dance those 5 numbers. The thing I wasn't ready for was that there will be 5 kimono changes (well 4 technically, since I will arrive dressed for the first number). Last year was a little easier with 4 numbers. An extra performance does make a difference.

先生 mentioned that our Monday class will perform the opening number 民謡日本 earlier in the year. There's one kimono that I have wear. Later on in the first half, our class minus 名取さん will perform (another kimono change). みんぶ will open the second half (first year I have to wear my own kimono with 太鼓帯). In the middle, our whole Monday class will perform another number with our class uniform. Then 3rd to the last we have another class dance with 襦袢 and 傘. I know I can change fast, but I dunno if I can change THAT fast especially with the amount of things we have to wear each performance number.

I guess I should be glad that we have a rehearsal on October 22nd. The only thing is....it's Maui High School's homecoming. That means, #1 has to leave rehearsal early to take her daughter since she is going to perform at the game. I guess we have to do our numbers first. It's hard to dance in front of the rest of the Minyo Kai. I guess more pressure with them than others. It's only my 2nd year and I am in みんぶ and performing in so many numbers. But there are others that are dancing just as much as me.

Couple more weeks and I get to watch the other classes perform their numbers. I can't wait!

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