Monday, June 24, 2013

June....Let the Dancing Begin!!!

Let the dance season BEGIN!
It's June! On Maui it can mean only one thing....No not summer vacation for students (that's May!). It's Obon season. What is obon exactly? I'm pretty sure I've stated it before but I wouldn't want you to search in the early posts for it. Obon is a time in the Japanese culture when the spirits of the deceased are welcomed a homecoming or family reunion.

The schedule for this month is a little different. Just like last year there's a week break! I wonder why they would schedule things this way. Why not start a week later than to have the first dance and the next week have a break?

The first day of June we had to trek to the west side of the island to the 法光寺 (Houkouji, a.k.a. Lahaina Shingon Mission). I guess we miscalculated on when we should head on over to that side. When we arrived....there was NO parking. What the....?!?! Do that many people come to obon nowadays? Is it the "in" thing to do?

I'm not complaining. I'm just shocked how much of a buzz it is generating. The tourists passing by all come by to see what's going on. I wonder what they think it is as they pass by. I have seen some actually ask. But most times you just watch as they take pictures and videos of the dance. Sometimes I wish someone would tell the tourists that it's a satanic ritual or something to that extent.

The first dance is always hectic. You don't know if you remember the dances. But once the music starts you just dance (like riding a bike).

Usually I try to take pictures prior to the bon dance, but we got there a little too late and was busy talking to people I haven't seen in a while. That's another thing the obon season brings. Friends getting together as well! So pictures took a back seat. I only have the one that I posted at the beginning of the blog.

After a week break, it's back to dancing. This time at the Wailuku Shingon Mission. Again we miscalculate leaving the house....actually I forgot something at home and we had to turn back to get it. So I guess you can say it's my fault! Yet again there's no parking. We have to park on the street, but not too far from the parking lot where we normally park.

The reason for me going to this dance...other than being in the club is...steamed manju! No other church sells it. My parents love it....maybe because it's only once a year they get to enjoy it. If you had access it all the time then things would be different.

This year I had to send Scott to buy it since I still had to get ready. I didn't even think I would have to help people dress. It didn't help that the church service started early. I missed the first 2 songs and rushed into the ring for the 3rd song. I was amazed that I dressed 2 people that fast!

This year, I decided to wear my Hello Kitty glasses I recently purchased since it matched my yukata that night. So I convinced a friend of mine to wear his as well. Maybe we can start a trend. We'll see!

For some odd reason, that day I had a tendency to trip and almost fall. In the morning I almost fell during class. At the very end of the dance, I almost fell because I stepped into the hole in the road. Plus I also bachi-ed myself by mentioning that I'm probably going to fall during the dance.

Now with the bon dance in full swing it's time for what used to be the first dance of the season, Puunene Nichiren. Tonight is an interesting night. The super moon will be in full force tonight! Like last year, it was windy. I guess it's tradition for this area to be windy. I'd rather it be windy than no wind at all or rain!

At least we got a good parking space today. Well there is more parking at this church than the previous churches. That and we got there around 6:30 which is quite early when church service is at 7 and the dance starts at 8.

Again not much pictures taken....maybe I'll get motivated to take a little more in coming dances.

3 dances done....1 more to go this month! Gosh time is flying by WAY too fast!

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